New & Returning Student Registration

School begins Monday, August 23rd at 8:00 AM

New Students

This form is NOT for returning students who are NOT already enrolled in an HJSD school.

Register Your
New Student

Returning Students

If you have a returning student, please click the link below to confirm enrollment.

Register Your
Returning Student

Registration Fees Calculator for 2021/2022

Below is a tool to help accurately calculate the registration fees for one student at a time.

When you are ready to pay, please fill out this form (download here), and submit it with payment to the Hagerman Junior & Senior High School. We accept cash, check, or Visa. Please make checks payable to Hagerman JR/SR High School and print your student's full name in the memo field of your check. Checks must be for the exact amount of purchase, and returned checks will have a $12.00 process fee.